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Latest Digital Marketing Trends Analysis. Here’s What I Learned!!

Most of us understand advanced or deep technology within the tech industry is travelling and evolving at the speed of thought.

There are constant updates, new techniques, and changes brought to algorithms.

Digital marketers are frequently scrambling – just to keep up with the trend and compete with the next big disruptor in the market. Digital marketers of techies are fighting flux when choosing the right strategies for marketing.

The digitized world has been threatening traditional marketers for a good while now. The space for old school techniques has shrunk further. Digital marketers are constantly in search of the next big algorithm that helps them gain more leads and source more customers for their products and services.

To notch up success, marketing teams must adopt new ideas and techniques which are suitable for the upcoming trend. Making the right use of social media for marketing and advertising is one of them. It should be calculated how much importance must be given for social media marketing—the efforts and techniques to be applied highly dependent upon the number of shoppers from this platform.

While discussing the marketing uses and offers on social media, we can conclude that Instagram holds up to about 80 per cent potential for online shopping.

Now everywhere such as Facebook, Pinterest, and other commonly used applications, there are display ads run that link to straight to e-commerce sites or payment gateways.

Marketers have adapted the e-commerce stores to create banners and 5 seconder communications where with a single click, the customers get direct access for the shopping.

It’s a fact that interactive content such as short videos, animations, and GIFs get more exposure in marketing both small scale and large-scale products. Giving access to the links related to Instagram and Facebook Amazon and offering them discounts that if he or she shares the post or posts videos about themselves they will gratifications from the company

This is the main motive of interactive marketing. These kinds of business strategies are interesting, and they keep the customers excited, engaged, and happy. The clients enjoy this kind of access for the product than any other content.

We live in a generation when marketing technology is moving fast, and customer interests and behaviours are extremely hard to predict. Marketers can no longer stick to the same old plans, and they can’t hope that their educated guesswork and gut feel will take them far.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been great opportunities for companies and industries which depend upon marketing. Having predictive text typing, chatbots, IVRs and similar are practical applications of AI and ML.

The key specifications to be developed for better marketing are Basic communication, Product recommendations, Content creation, Email personalization, and E-commerce transactions. This real-time automation and programable software techniques are much more efficient and faster, which leads to higher conversions and lower customer acquisition costs.

Technologies such as IoT are already changing the way we will work, travel, order food & groceries, live and commute, in the very future.

To know more about how you can better market your products and the techniques you will need to do that better – do connect and share your views!

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